Converting MOSI3 to BPAN4 and BPAN12:
As part of the conclusion of the deal between PAN and Mosaico, the shareholders received 1 subscription bonus (BPAN12) for each MOSI3 share they owned, in addition to the BPAN4 shares in the terms of exchange (0.8x). This bonus was free, with no purchase price. The BPAN12 Subscription Bonuses are traded daily on the Brazil stock market (B3) and the price is given by the market.
Each bonus will give the right to 0.166667 BPAN4 Share if, within 30 (thirty) months from the closing of the Transaction (completed on 03/11/2022), the trading price of the BPAN4 Shares at the end of 3 (three) consecutive B3 trading sessions remained above R$ 24.00 (twenty-four reais) - as part of the Bonus agreement.
If the agreed condition is met, the exchange of BPAN12 for BPAN4 will be automatic and free of charge. If it does not meet the condition, the bonus is no longer valid or traded on the stock exchange.
To calculate the average price of new BPAN4 shares at the time of the closing deal, simply divide the average price of MOSI3 shares by 0.8.
Go to Material Facts about the merger and agreement.