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Converting MOSI3 to BPAN4 and BPAN12:

As part of the deal conclusion between PAN and Mosaico, the shareholders received 1 subscription bonus (BPAN12) for each MOSI3 share they owned, in addition to the BPAN4 shares in the exchange ratio of 0.8x. This bonus was free, with no purchase price. The BPAN12 Subscription Bonuses are traded daily and the price is given by the market.

Each bonus will give the right to 0.166667 BPAN4 shares if, within 30 (thirty) months from the closing of the Transaction (completed on 03/11/2022), the trading price of the BPAN4 Shares at the end of 3 (three) consecutive trading sessions remain at an amount higher than R$ 24.00 (twenty-four reais) (Condition for exercising the Bonus).

If the agreed condition is met, the exchange of BPAN12 for BPAN4 will be automatic and free of charge. If not, the bonus will be no longer valid and it will stop being traded.

To calculate the average price of new BPAN4 shares, simply divide the average price of MOSI3 shares by 0.8.

PAN‘s preferred shares are registered for trading on the BM&FBOVESPA under the ticker symbol “BPAN4,” and are traded under “Level 1” Corporate Governance practices.

Banco PAN‘s preferred shares do not provide voting rights to shareholders. In addition to ensuring the right to full participation in the payment of dividends and interest on equity, preferred shares include the following rights and advantages: priority in the reimbursement of capital stock, without premiums; the right to sell the shares, under the same conditions as the Bank‘s controlling shareholders, directly or indirectly, through a single transaction or staggered sales (tag along); and the right to sell the shares through a public offering to be carried out by the controlling shareholders, in the event of a cancellation of the company‘s registry as a Publicly-Held Company or the cancellation of Level 1 listing for the shares, for an amount determined through appraisal by a specialized company that is independent from the Bank, its managers and/or controlling shareholders.

All of the Bank‘s material facts, earnings releases and other market communications are simultaneously released through the CVM/BM&FBOVESPA and on the Investor Relations area of the Bank‘s website.

The complete financial statements are published annually in the Valor Econômico newspaper and the official newspaper of the State of São Paulo. Quarterly earnings releases, press releases, presentations, materials facts and notices to shareholders are available through the investor relations area of the Banco PAN website. Other information about the bank can be obtained through the websites of the São Paulo Stock Exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil.

Banco PAN‘s shareholder services are provided by BTG Pactual through the following contact information:

E-mail: escrituracao.acao@btgpactual.com

Phone: +55 11 3383-1132

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