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Environmental [br] Responsibility


Consumption, emissions,
and waste

0.4 MVh

per employee per month The average for Brazilians is 0.2 MWh per month


of water per employee per month The average for Brazilians is 3.5 m3 per month

1.7 kg

of waste per employee per month The average for Brazilians is 20.1 kg per month considering domestic waste

Find out more about the environmental indicators we monitor by clicking here.

Emissions by scope

Emissões por escopo

Our impact

2023 Emissions inventory

See also the 2022 inventory by clicking here.

CDP’s 2023 Climate change

See also the 2022 report by clicking here.

Emission offset

Since 2022, Banco PAN has offset 100% of its direct emissions (scopes 1 and 2) and part of its indirect emissions related to waste generation, transportation and distribution, employee travel and business travel.
Nosso Impacto

To offset our GHG emissions in 2024, we support the Santa Maria project, which seeks to restore and conserve ecosystems. A REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) carbon project of the Avoided Unplanned Deforestation (AUD) type, aiming at the forest conservation in view of illegal deforestation pressure from external agents.

Launched in 2009, Santa Maria has been successful in containing deforestation in the critical region where it operates. Located in the arc of deforestation, it acts as a natural barrier between the growing city of Colniza and the southern part of the Igarapés do Juruena Park (PEIJU) - an essential gateway to a mosaic of conservation units in southern Amazonas.

For calculating offset, we chose to adopt a conservative approach, recalculating the baseline from the actual deforestation data observed during the period between 2015 and 2018. Based on these results, we conclude that it will be necessary to retire 1.9 VCUs from this period to achieve the desired climate benefit.

Therefore, we offset 1.9 times the measured amount of GHG from scopes 1, 2, and 3 (except financed vehicle portfolio) in 2023, reaching a compensation of 5,377 tCO2e in total.

Access it and learn about our responsibilities.