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Investor Relations


We do it right .[br] We adopt good governance, risk management, ethics and integrity practices to achieve our goals: to evolve with our business and generate a positive impact on society.

Governance Structure

ESG Commission

Management of Banco PAN's environmental and social impact is carried out by the ESG Committee, which reports to the Board of Directors of PAN and to the ESG Committee of the BTG Pactual Prudential Conglomerate leader, which in turn reports to the Board of Directors of the BTG Pactual Prudential Conglomerate leader.

BTG Prudential Conglomerate

Our ESG Governance and risk and capital management framework are aligned with the Social, Environmental, and Climate Responsibility Policy ("PRSAC") of Banco BTG Pactual S.A., the controlling company of PAN and the leading institution of the BTG Prudential Conglomerate.

Comissão ESG

Access it and learn more about our responsibilities.