of Directors
Banco PAN’s board of directors is responsible for establishing the overall guidelines of its business, including its long term strategies. Moreover, it is responsible, among other obligations, for election and removal of members of the executive board, determining their attributions and supervising their activities and performance.
The PAN’s bylaws establish that its board of directors is composed of a minimum of eleven and a maximum of thirteen directors, all of whom are individuals, who may or may not reside in Brazil, elected by the shareholders’ meeting, with a joint term of office of two years, reelection being permitted. The shareholders’ meeting also has the authority to remove any member of the board of directors at any time.
As a result of the Bank’s agreement to adhere to the Level 1, the investiture of members of the board of directors is subject to the signature of the Statement of Consent from Senior Managers, through which the members of the board of directors assume personal responsibility to abide by and act in compliance with the Adherence Agreement to Level 1 and Level 1 Regulations. In addition, under the Bank’s bylaws, the members of the board of directors are required to adhere to the regulation of the market arbitration chamber established by the BM&FBOVESPA (“Adherence Agreement”).
In accordance with article 141, paragraph four and items of Law 6,404, of 1976, as amended, the minority shareholders of a listed company that own at least fifteen per cent (15%) of such company’s total common voting shares, or the shareholders that own preferred non-voting or with restricted vote power shares representing at least ten per cent (10%) of the shareholder’s equity, or shareholders that own common and preferred shares that, together, represent at least ten per cent (10%) of the shareholder’s equity, are entitled to elect, in a separate election, one member of the board of directors.
– Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors (portuguese only) is available for consultation, click here.
Position: President
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
Roberto Sallouti. is the Chief Executive Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of Banco BTG Pactual. Mr. Sallouti joined the firm in 1994, and became a partner in 1998. He was named Chief Operating Officer in 2008, having previously been responsible for the firm’s Fixed Income Division. He was named Chief Executive Officer in 2015. Mr. Sallouti holds a bachelor of science degree in economics, with concentrations in finance and marketing, from The Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania.
Position: Effective member
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
André Esteves. Graduated in Mathematics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a specialization in Computing. He joined Banco Pactual in 1989 at the age of 21. Working extensively over the last decades together with its partners and collaborators (currently there are more than 210 executive partners in the Pactual group in a group that transforms BTG with a global reach, which is still the main Investment Bank in Latin America), employing today more than 2 thousand people. Before the end of 2015, it had its name approved as regulators of financial institutions and its 25 regulators from more countries, in naturally extensive of their countries, throughout their professional history and correction of their business. In addition to being a member of the Board of Directors of B3 - Brazilian Stock Exchange and FEBRABAN - Brazilian Federation of Banks, André Esteves develops activities in other areas, such as educational and socio-environmental. He was a member of the Latin American Council of the Harvard Business School and of the Council of the Foundation for studies for studies and graduate studies of young Brazilians in Brazil and abroad, guiding these professionals into the job market. Likewise, it supports and promotes investments in the improvement of schools and universities, such as the project for the digital inclusion of young people through the Committee for the Democratization of Informatics. He was also an active member of Conservation International (CI), one of the largest non-governmental organizations on the planet dedicated to protecting the biodiversity of land, wild areas or marine regions, in addition to contributing to the environmental and sports education project for young people from the north coast of São Paulo. André Esteves has received several national and international awards over the last few years for his services to the global corporate community.
Position: Effective member
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
André Fernandes. is the chief risk officer and an executive officer of Banco BTG Pactual. Mr. Fernandes joined Banco BTG Pactual in 1997 and, in 2004, assumed responsibility for the control of credit risk. In 2006, he became an executive director in charge of credit risk control at UBS AG, a position he held until 2009. Prior to joining Banco BTG Pactual, Mr. Fernandes worked as an auditor at KPMG. Mr. Fernandes received his business administration degree from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
Position: Effective member
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
Alexandre Camara. Graduated in Electrical Engineering from Pontifíca Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, he holds MBA‘s in Finance and Economics, as well as Corporate Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro. He joined Banco BTG Pactual in 2003 and became a partner in 2008. He has worked as Credit Officer at Banco Prosper and was responsible for Banco BBM‘s Middle Corporate Credit. He is currently responsible for High Income Credit and Structured Finance at Banco BTG Pactual.
Position: Effective Member
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
Sérgio Cutolo. Mr. Cutolo holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and a graduate degree from the University of Brasília. He was Minister of State for Social Security, Minister of the Ministry of Urban Development and President of Caixa Econômica Federal (Federal Savings Bank). He was also Board member of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), Caixa Econômica Federal and Companhia Elétrica do Estado do Maranhão (CEMAR). He joined BTG Pactual in 2000 as partner and is currently responsible for the Institution’s Corporate Customers area. He is also Vice-President of Anbima.
Position: Independent effective member
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
Fábio Pinheiro. Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasilia (UNB), with an MBA from Indiana University. He joined Banco Pactual S.A. in 1992 where he was the partner responsible for commercial relations with companies in the healthcare and technology sectors between 2004 and 2009. He was also Managing Director of UBS Pactual between 2006 and 2009. He is currently Financial and Administrative Officer of Grupo Dilleto, Chairman of the Board of Directors and an Executive Officer at Sappada Participações S.A. and a member of the Board of Directors of Galvani Indústria e Comércio S.A. and Lojas Renner S.A.
Position: Independent effective member
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
Marcelo Torresi. Graduated in Engineering from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo - USP, with specializations in strategic management, strategic finance management, strategic human resources management, strategic management of operations and logistics and strategic marketing management, all from FGV-SP. He was Principal at Silex Business Consulting between 1990 and 1997; Assistant Professor at Business School São Paulo between 1993 and 1997; Assistant Professor at LARC - Laboratory of Architecture and Computer Networks between 1993 and 1997; Director at Credial Empreendimentos e Serviços Ltda. between September 1997 and February 2005; Executive Director at Frizzo Pecúnia DTVM Ltda. Between April 2005 and December 2007; Executive Director at Banco Pecúnia S.A. between April 2005 and December 2007; General Manager at Banco Pecúnia S.A. between December 2007 and May 2010; Member of the Board of Directors at Azevedo & Travassos S.A. between April 2011 and March 2012; General Director at SOCOPA – Sociedade Corretora Paulista S.A. between June 2010 and October 2012; General Manager at Banco Paulista S.A. between June 2010 and October 2012; Alternate member of the Fiscal Council at Azevedo & Travassps S.A., between April 2012 and March 2013; Associate at A5 Internet Investments between October 2012 and May 2013; Member of the Board of Directors at Socicam Administração, Projetos e Representações Ltda. between October 2012 and December 2013; General Director at Pilotage Assessoria Empresarial from April 2013 to date; Member of the Board of Directors of Vikstar Contact Center S.A. between February 2014 and March 2015; Member of the Supervisory Board of Banco PAN S.A. between April 2014 and April 2018; Member of the Fiscal Council at Bombril S.A. between April 2015 and April 2018; of the Council; General Director at Pilotage Gestão de Recursos Ltda. between July 2015 to date; Member of the Fiscal Council at Paranapanema S.A. between April 2016 to date; Alternate Member of the Fiscal Council of Terra Santa Agro S.A. April 2017 to date and Member of the Board of Directors of Banco PAN S.A. July 2018 to date. Additionally, he was Counselor Director at ACREFI-National Association of Credit, Financing and Investment Institutions, between 2008 and 2010; Representative on the SPB Implementation Management Committee at the Central Bank of Brazil by ABBC - Brazilian Banking Association between 2001 and 2002; Coordinator of the Technology Commission at ACREFI - National Association of Credit, Financing and Investment Institutions between 2000 and 2001.
Position: Independent Effective Member
Date of Election: 04.30.2024
End of Term: OGM 2025
Maira Habimorad Since May 2020, work as INTELI (Technology and Leadearship Institute) President, a non-profit college that offers Computer Engineer, Software Engineer, Computer Science and Information Systems courses. For two years, worked at Adtalem Educacional as Innovation and Academic director, responsible for institutions: IBMEC, Damasio and Wyden. Mrs. Maíra worked for 18 years at Grupo Cia de Talentos, being seven as CEO, acting in recruiting, selection and management of trainees, interns and managers development programs for the largest Latin American companies. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from FAAP and executive courses in Human Resources Management from FIA and Leadership Management from Haas School of Business – Berkeley.
Banco PAN’s officers are the legal representatives, responsible for the Bank’s day-to-day management and for implementing the policies and general guidelines set by the board of directors.
– The Charter of the Executive Board (portuguese only) can be consulted by the following email address: click here.
Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Date of Election: 02.15.2025
End of Term: BDM after OGM 2028
André Luiz Calabro has approximately 28 (twenty-eight) years of experience in the financial market, with extensive expertise in consumer credit. He was member of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of Grupo Recovery Gestão de Ativos and, at Banco PAN, held the position of Credit and Collections Director from 2018 to 2020. In the last two years, he joined the BTG Pactual team after serving as CEO of BanQi, a fintech powered by Via Varejo.
Position: Officer
Date of Election: 02.05.2019
End of Term: BDM after OGM 2022
Alex Sander Moreira Gonçalves. Mr. Gonçalves holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Brasilia and a graduate degree in Finances from USP-Fipecafi. He joined BV Financeira C.F.I. in 2009, where he remained for four years and held the positions of Business supervisor and Payroll and Channels Director. Prior to that, he was Executive of Payroll and Business with the Government and Commercial and Product Officer at Banco Bradesco Financiamentos/BMC.
Position: Officer
Date of Election: 09.26.2023
End of Term: BDM after OGM 2025
Mr. Cassano started his career at Banco Santander as Retail Credit Risk Analyst, in the period between Dec/2005 and Sep/2006, subsequently, he joined Itaú Unibanco, in Oct/2006, where he held the following positions: Credit Policy Analyst, Corporate Credit Loss and Collection Strategy Coordinator, Financial Planning Manager, Credit Planning Manager, Vehicle, Real Estate and Consortium Collection Planning Manager, and, lastly, Retail Collection Planning Manager until Nov/ 2016. Soon after, he joined Recovery Group as Head of Collection, Modeling, Marketing, Digital Collection and Portfolio Pricing, remaining from Dec/2017 to Jun/2019. Finally, he served as Credit Risk Superintendent at Banco Santander from Jun/19 until Jun/23.
Position: Officer
Date of Election: 09.06.2019
End of Term: BDM after OGM 2022
Diogo Ciuffo da Silva. Graduated in Economics from the Catholic Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ) and with an MBA from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Mr. Ciuffo held the position of Executive Superintendent of Digital Bank and New Business of Banco PAN. In September, 2019, he was elected Head of the Digital Bank of Banco PAN. Throughout his career, he worked at Banco BBM and Brasil Plural, where he worked in the Corporate Credit and Treasury areas. He joined Banco PAN in 2011 as head of the Corporate area and in 2016 became responsible for the Bank’s Treasury and Funding.
Position: Chief Financial (CFO) and Investor Relations Officer (IRO)
Date of Election: 07.26.2021
End of Term: BDM after OGM 2025
Mr. Leonardo Ricci Scutti has a degree in business administration and has extensive experience in the financial market, having worked in various positions at BankBoston and HSBC. In 2011, he joined BTG Pactual, being responsible for the Oil & Gas, FI, Rail, Agribusiness, Industrials and Education areas, and becoming a partner in 2017.
Position: Officer
Date of Election: 03.28.2023
End of Term: BDM after OGM 2025
Mr. Chain has over 16 years of experience in the financial market, having worked in various positions focused on Retail Banking. He joined Itaú Unibanco in 2007 as a Trainee and has worked in areas such as Credit and Recovery, Financial Planning, Revenue Management and Pricing, and Digital Products. Mr. Chain holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Escola de Engenharia Mauá and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
PAN Risk Comission
The PAN Risk Comission (“Risk Comission”) is part of Banco PAN’s administrative structure and reports directly to the Board of Directors and the Risk Committee of Banco BTG Pactual S.A., the Conglomerate's leading institution, operating in accordance to the Resolution No. 4,557/17 of the National Monetary Council. Currently, the Risk Committee is composed of 7 (seven) full members and their respective alternates, all elected for a one-year term.
Internal Regulations of the Risk Comission can be consulted at the following email address: click here (portuguese only).
Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee reports directly to the Board of Directors of Banco PAN, operating in accordance with Resolution No. 3921 of the Central Bank of Brazil. Currently, the Committee is composed of at least 3 (three) and at most 5 (five) members.
Internal Regulations of the Compensation Committee can be consulted at the following electronic address: click here.
Statutory and
Non Statutory Committees
Description of the structure of the Committees (portuguese only).
Access here